
Promoting Entrepreneurship in Education

The world is full of successful entrepreneurs who were told in school that they would never amount to anything. So many people succeed ‘in spite of their education’ instead of ‘because of it’ tells us not only that the current system is broken, but gives us a yardstick to measure progress towards something better. When entrepreneurship finds its place in mainstream education, we might actually be getting somewhere and, to be honest, we’re not about to wait.

7 Questions About Literacy Skills at Learnlife

Literacy skills go beyond reading and writing, it covers how we interact with the world around us. To understand its scope better, here are 7 questions about literacy skills at Learnlife answered by learning guides, Harriet and Annette.

Wellbeing for children is not a priority, but THE priority.

As governments and institutions rush to respond to the post-pandemic landscape in education, wellbeing for children is finally at the heart of policy. Dig just a bit deeper, however, and you’ll see that the majority of these strategies are temporary reactions. We discuss why wellbeing is the fundamental priority of learning environments and why that commitment needs to be permanent.

Interlingualism in learning

Interlingualism is quite a new word, but the concept is as old as the human story itself. At Learnlife, we welcome interlingualism as the chance to share together in the beautiful diversity of sounds and stories within our community, and to instil global citizenship at the heart of our experience. So what is it, and why does it matter?

Neuroscience and the joy of learning

Last month, we wrote about the neuroscience of learning and we gave fair warning that we would return to the topic. Sooner than you thought, perhaps, but we just couldn't wait. We wanted to zoom in on one particular area, and that is the joy of learning. 

7 Questions About Numeracy at Learnlife

Maths trauma is a real thing, and that should be an alarm bell for the way numeracy is approached in the traditional education system. From balancing our books to balancing our tables, numeracy skills are functional skills we need in today’s world. So how do we approach numeracy at Learnlife? What exactly is “soccermatics”? We put 7 questions to Learning Guide Adria Balcazar and got an exponential return. 

The neuroscience of learning - 3 things we need to tell to learners and parents

The neuroscience of learning is starting to come of age. Much is still speculation, but more and more conclusions are being widely accepted. Here are three things we feel parents and educators ought to know about the brain. 

What we learned during the shift to remote learning

As doors open and normal service resumes, we look back at what we learned from a sudden shift to remote learning, and how it has made us stronger as a learning community.

Learnhubs - where the magic of personal learning really happens

A creative space where you can truly experience personal learning? A place to explore, discover, iterate and make an impact? Look no further and revel in the magic of a Learnhub.