Learnlife Blog

The neuroscience of unlearning

We had a lot of comments and discussion around our article on learn, unlearn and relearn. It seems that many in our community have personal experience around this process, and the diversity of these experiences fascinates us. So what is unlearning really about and why do we need to talk about it with learners?

As Learning Guides, are we truly ready for personal learning?

Psychotherapists go to therapy and surgeons rarely operate on themselves. As Learning Guides, should we not be asking ourselves whether we are truly ready to support personal learning? Just how deep does that role take us into our own sense of place and purpose?

Life-long learning needs good feedback, but how?

Feedback is critical to growth in lifelong learning, but the giving and receiving of feedback is far from simple. There are no answers in here, but there are questions for you, the reader. We would like your input, and we are listening.

Learning Methodologies Unpacked: Experience-based Learning

Experience-based learning is one of many learning methodologies that support personal learning. But what does it mean? How do we really learn from experience? Join us as we unpack this most fundamental question.

Cultural diversity and the gap between schools and learners

Kristin Leong’s Roll Call project in 2017 was a stark statement on the diversity gap between learners and teachers. Conducted in the USA, the project looked at the differences between public school teachers and learners, and asked two questions.

Blended learning can be so much more

Learning how, when and where you want it sounds like an advert for programmes designed by Artificial Intelligence. With a personal learning paradigm, however, blended learning can be so much more than bots and bytes. Read on to find out how Learnlife at Home is meeting this challenge in the most human of ways.

Learning Methodologies Unpacked: Place-Based Learning

The field trip. That day teachers dreaded as they had to corral 25 children onto a bus to visit the local museum or workplace. Some children would get lost, most would find opportunities for some kind of “unauthorised” fun, a bit of learning might take place, but it was probably mostly the fun we remember unless you were the teacher.

Essay Mills and the absence of personal learning

The Twittersphere is ablaze with the news that the UK, after Australia and Ireland, is set to ban essay mills. While the news is unsurprisingly welcome by mainstream institutions, there is remarkably little bold discussion about why it happens in the first place. Is personal learning the true cure?

Time to Think Differently

Learnlife has tackled the challenge to provide a fresh experience of learning, unleash learner curiosity, facilitate learner agency and encourage discovery in a variety of ways.