Learnlife Blog

Learning Methodologies Unpacked: Sustainability-based learning towards a regenerative world

Sustainability-based learning means equipping learners with the skills to meet challenges and innovate solutions that improve the human condition and protect the natural resources of the planet through regenerative approaches in designing learning experiences.

Learnlife selected in the top 100 global innovations in education

Learnlife has just been recognized as one of the top 100 education innovations to watch in the year 2023 by HundrED.org! We are humbled and honoured to have been recognised for our work in learning innovation, alongside such a rich community of global changemakers.

Thriving together on the learning journey

Mainstream education has long been reluctant to be seen to give “advice” on parenting, but what happens when we approach this differently? What about when we accept that we are all products of our own experience, and all have our own unique contributions to make so that, together, we can support our learners to thrive. Learning is life-wide, so why not embrace parents as partners and equals in the learning journey, and share in it together?

Outlier no more; the call to Inspire change in education

From outliers and individuals to a cohesive movement and a force for positive change. Momentum is building to bring change into the heart of mainstream education. As part of this, we have our own learning journey to share and years of impact evidence to support it. If you have ever wondered how our approach might work in your own setting, Inspire 2023 on 18th-19th May is the chance to visit us and our partners to dig deep into that question and find a community that can support you on your own transformational journey.

Reimagining 2050: the learning environment in a VUCA world

Future skills and 21st century learning for a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world. In education, we are immersed in such framing and terminology as we develop learner-directed and purposeful learning approaches to support the emergence of a new generation who can actually thrive in the future. 

Learning by doing in Learnlife Marketplace

We have all heard that “experience is the best teacher” but if that is true, then why do we make the same mistakes again in our lives? Learning by doing is more than just “having” an experience, when rich learning and reflection opportunities are built around that experience. The Learnlife Marketplace is an event, a process, an experience and an ongoing, evolving celebration of what happens when we get to work from a place of passion and purpose. But what exactly is it all about?

Nature-based learning for literacy and numeracy

We have lost connection with our natural world, and taken a wrong turn somewhere. But for our children, we can begin to repair this and retake our place as part of the living world. And you know what? We can learn a lot of great stuff along the way. Here’s how we do it.

Stages of learner autonomy- the Learnlife way

What does “autonomy” mean to you? It really is a glorious word, which speaks of the freedom not only to captain our own ship, but the confidence to enter new waters and explore under our own sail.

Why we talk about learning methodologies

In discussions with our learning community we often hear the phrases “learning styles” and “teaching methodologies” used almost interchangeably with “learning methodologies”. These are not the same, though they can sound similar. Here’s why we talk about learning methodologies and why the difference really matters.