Learnlife Blog

Learnlife-Acesco Hubling Partnership - hacking the state curriculum

The Learnlife movement is gathering pace, with 11 Hub Partners already onboard during 2021 and a total of 152 interested institutions from 42 countries. Amidst the numbers which tell the story of momentum and shared vision, we wanted to share a wonderful example of partnership with you. 

What it means to make learning personal (and what it takes)

We need to replace traditional learning, which is no longer fit for purpose, with personal learning where learners forge unique learning paths.

Change in education is happening on all fronts

In Learnlife we think a lot about change. In the Learnlife Alliance, we talk a lot about change. In the Learnlife hubs, hublings, communities and partnerships, we push for change and try to show and share with others how it might look, as we learn and grow together.

Scale or spread? A partnership case study between Learnlife and Intrinsic

The Learnlife movement is growing, but is it scaling, or spreading? What do these words mean to you?

How the role of an educator must change to suit the 21st century

What does the word “educator” mean to you? Those of us working in such roles have likely used different words to describe what we do. Teacher, mentor, coach, learning guide. It never used to be so diverse, but such is the way of change. The words evolve, because the role itself is changing. 

The word and the why - the broken language of learning

At Learnlife, we are conscious of how we use words to describe learning, because we believe we have a responsibility to be part of something better. Join us on an exploration of the word, and the power it has to take us forward.

How personal learning can reignite your children's love of learning

Personal learning sounds like a logistical nightmare to the top brass of education, who have had us marching lockstep for centuries. The truth is that if you try to personalize learning within the same old traditional system, it is almost impossible. But when the learner takes over, it really can be done. Let’s look at the personal learning approach of our Home Hub programme, and why it really is the future.

What is Your Ikigai?

We talk a lot about Ikigai at Learnlife, as a way of distinguishing something beyond passion or purpose. Ikigai is really your reason for being, and the thing that gives you direction and motivation, but we thought we would take this opportunity to zoom in a little bit more on the concept, and why it is at the heart of what we do.

Does the future belong to the generalists?

The traditional model of education tells us that as you progress, you narrow and specialise. But the future needs generalists too, who can connect the dots and see beyond the boundaries of specialism. So why do we still tell our children to choose one thing and do it well?