Learnlife Blog

Learnhubs - where the magic of personal learning really happens

A creative space where you can truly experience personal learning? A place to explore, discover, iterate and make an impact? Look no further and revel in the magic of a Learnhub.

A Learning Community by No Other Name

Let’s deconstruct the words “learning community”. What could learners do and accomplish when we open the doors to the community and the “real world”?

What does VUCA learning look like?

Our world is a VUCA world, but traditional education tries to shelter our children from that reality with a neatly packaged system that does nothing to help them prepare for an uncertain world. So what does VUCA learning look like, and what is at its core?

Learnlife’s Rites of Passage: How Our Learners Meet the Challenge

We use the transformative power of the rites of passage to help learners develop self-confidence, work with mentors and peers, learn and adapt.

It's Time to Champion Microcredentialing

It is time for the gatekeepers of knowledge to accept that in this fast-changing world, learners will gain more benefit if we start to champion microcredentialing.

25 Learning Methodologies that Education Professionals Need to Know

Schools are being advised that they should employ modern learning methodologies such as Flipped Classroom, Design Thinking and Project-Based Learning. But are they just ‘buzz words’ or a fad?

The Fundamental Role of Parents in the Learning Environment

The collaboration of parents, guardians and learning guides is essential to a learning environment that supports learning, but does not direct it.

The Future of Learning: Preparing Learners for a Future We Cannot Control

When we embrace the future of learning, we equip learners to become problem solvers and innovators who can face the challenges of the future.

Developing a Growth Mindset

In developing a growth mindset, we need dedication and hard work to enhance our abilities and test initially perceived notions about ourselves.